Ani Amiraghyan is a tennis player who was born on October 9, 1993, in Yerevan, Armenia, and is a total of 1.68 m tall. This article will take a look at Ani Amiraghyan’s net worth.
Over an accomplished career, Amiraghyan won a total of 1 ITF singles titles, won a total of 5 ITF doubles titles and earned a total of $34,681 from competition. Amiraghyan has won 1 ITF singles titles, with a record of 134-86 and reached a rank of 422 (12 August 2013). Amiraghyan has won 5 ITF doubles titles, with a record of 54-45 and reached a rank of 505 (27 June 2016) in doubles play.
Amiraghyan competed in these team events: the Fed Cup with a record of 18-17.
So what is Ani Amiraghyan’s net worth in 2018? Amiraghyan earned a total of $34,681 from competition according to Wikipedia, but that’s not all of Amiraghyan’s earnings, which may include sponsorships, businesses, and promotions. Our estimate for Ani Amiraghyan’s net worth in 2018 is:
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