Božidar Maljković is a professional basketball player who plays Head coach. Maljković was born on April 20, 1952, in Otočac, Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia. This article takes a deep dive into Božidar Maljković’s net worth.
Some of the highlights of Božidar Maljković’s career include: 3x YUBA Liga champion, Yugoslav Basketball Cup winner, 4x Euroleague champion, Copa del Rey de Baloncesto winner, 2x Ligue Nationale de Basketball champion, 2x French Basketball Cup winner, Greek basketball Cup winner, FIBA Intercontinental Cup champion ), FIBA Korać Cup winner, and Liga ACB champion.
Player salaries vary between a couple thousand dollars and millions of dollars per annum, depending on a number of factors. Although on average, NBA players earn a salary of around $2 million, a few with D-league crossover contracts are paid as little as $50,000. The salary cap for NBA players is close to $100 million, although currently no player makes anywhere near that amount. The top players earn close to $35 million. Outside of the National Basketball Association, salaries can dip below $20,000 per year for minor league teams.
So what is basketball player Božidar Maljković’s net worth in 2018? Our estimate for Božidar Maljković’s net worth as of 2018 is:
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