Brooke Austin is a tennis player who was born on February 12, 1996, in Indianapolis, United States, and is a total of 2 m tall. This article will take a look at Brooke Austin’s net worth.
Austin lives in Indianapolis, United States, plays Right-handed (two handed-backhand) and attended University of Florida (2014-current).
Over an accomplished career, Austin won a total of 1 ITF singles titles, won a total of 2 ITF doubles titles and earned a total of $32,036 from competition. Austin has won 1 ITF singles titles, with a record of 69-52 and reached a rank of No. 424 (26 August 2013). Austin has won 2 ITF doubles titles, with a record of 20-15 and reached a rank of No. 638 (27 May 2013) in doubles play.
Brooke Austin has a US Open junior record of Q2 (2012 US Open (tennis)).
Brooke Austin competed in doubles events with good results, including a US Open Doubles record that includes achieving a number one ranking (2016 US Open (tennis)).
So what is Brooke Austin’s net worth in 2018? Austin earned a total of $32,036 from competition according to Wikipedia, but that’s not all of Austin’s earnings, which may include sponsorships, businesses, and promotions. Our estimate for Brooke Austin’s net worth in 2018 is:
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