• Henrik Dettmann Net Worth 2018: What is this basketball player worth?

    Henrik Dettmann is a professional basketball player who plays Coach . Dettmann was born on April 5, 1958, in Helsinki, Finland. This article takes a deep dive into Henrik Dettmann’s net worth.

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    Henrik Dettmann Career and Earnings/Salary

    Dettmann won a bronze medal in the 2002 FIBA World Championship.

    Henrik Dettmann Net Worth 2018

    Basketball player yearly earnings range between $20,000 and millions of dollars per year, depending on a number of factors. Although typical NBA players make a salary of around $2 million, some with D-league crossover contracts are paid as little as $50,000. The salary cap for NBA players is approximately $100 million, although as of today no player makes anywhere near that much money. The top players in the NBA earn around $35 million. Outside of the NBA, annual payments can be as low as $20,000 annually for minor league teams.

    Henrik Dettmann net worth
    Henrik Dettmann net worth: basketball salary distribution

    So what is basketball player Henrik Dettmann’s net worth in 2018? Our estimate for Henrik Dettmann’s net worth as of 2018 is:

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