• Jaime Navarro Net Worth 2018: What is this baseball player worth?

    Jaime Navarro is a pro baseball player who plays Pitcher. Navarro was born on March 27, 1967, in Bayamón, Puerto Rico. This page will take a closer look at Jaime Navarro’s net worth.

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    Jaime Navarro Career, Earnings

    Navarro bats Right and throws Right. Navarro debuted in the MLB on June 20, 1989 for the Milwaukee Brewers. In all, Navarro played for the Milwaukee Brewers, Chicago Cubs, Chicago White Sox, Milwaukee Brewers, and Cleveland Indians. Navarro’s career ended with the Cleveland Indians in 2000.

    Some of Navarro’s most prominent statistics in the MLB included a Win-loss record (pitching) stat of 116-126, a Earned run average stat of 4.72, and a Strikeouts stat of 1,113.

    Jaime Navarro Net Worth 2018

    Jaime Navarro was last under contract in 2000, according to USA Today, with a 1 (2000) year package worth $5 million. Over the years, Navarro earned $100,000 in 1990, $200,000 in 1991, $400,000 in 1992, $2 million in 1993, $2 million in 1994, $900,000 in 1995, $3 million in 1996, $5 million in 1997, $5 million in 1998, $5 million in 1999, and $5 million in 2000.

    Baseball annual pay can range widely. In Major League Baseball, the average player earns approximately $3 million per year. Top players can get $25 million or more annually, and lower rated players earn $1 million or less.

    Jaime Navarro net worth
    Jaime Navarro net worth: soccer/football salary distribution

    Outside the MLB, most contracts pay less than $10,000 a year.

    So what is baseball player Jaime Navarro’s net worth in 2018? Our estimate for Jaime Navarro’s net worth as of 2018 is: $30 million

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