Jeff Bzdelik is a professional basketball player who plays Associate Head Coach for the Houston Rockets. Bzdelik was born on December 1, 1952, in Mount Prospect, Illinois. This article takes a deep dive into Jeff Bzdelik’s net worth.
Bzdelik played basketball in college with UIC Flames men’s basketball (1975-1977).
Basketball salaries range between $20,000 and tens of millions of dollars per annum, depending on a number of circumstances. Although on average, NBA players make a salary of about $2 million, some with D-league crossover contracts earn as little as $50,000. The salary cap for National Basketball Association players is nearly $100 million, although currently no player makes anywhere near that amount. The top players earn around $35 million. Outside of the NBA, yearly earnings can dip below $20,000 annually for minor league teams.
So what is basketball player Jeff Bzdelik’s net worth in 2018? Our estimate for Jeff Bzdelik’s net worth as of 2018 is: $500,000
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