L. P. Ladouceur is a professional football player who plays Long snapper for the Dallas Cowboys as number 91. Ladouceur was born on March 13, 1981, in Montreal, Quebec. Ladouceur’s height is 6 ft 5 in. This page looks closely at L. P. Ladouceur’s net worth.
In high school, L. P. Ladouceur played football for Collège Notre-Dame du Sacré-Coeur. Ladouceur played college football on the California Golden Bears football team.
In the past, Ladouceur played for the New Orleans Saints, and Dallas Cowboys. Some of the highlights of L. P. Ladouceur’s career include: Pro Bowl.
Some of Ladouceur’s most prominent statistics include 0 Fumble recoveries, 16 Total tackles, and 204 Games played.
National Football League salaries range heavily. At the lowest level, NFL players make $400,000-$600,000 annually. At the highest level, players can make $50 million or more. The NFL salary cap is nearly $175 million.
So what is NFL football player L. P. Ladouceur’s net worth in 2018? Our estimate for L. P. Ladouceur’s net worth as of 2018 is:
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