Miloslav Mečíř Jr. is a tennis player who was born on January 20, 1988, in Prague, Czech Republic, and is a total of 2 m tall. This article will take a look at Miloslav Mečíř Jr.’s net worth.
Jr. lives in Bratislava, Slovakia and plays Right-handed (two handed backhand).
Over an accomplished career, Jr. won a total of 0 singles titles, won a total of 0 doubles titles and earned a total of $228,362 from competition. Jr. has won 0 singles titles, with a record of 1-3 and reached a rank of No. 169 (11 August 2014). Jr. has won 0 doubles titles, with a record of 0-0 and reached a rank of No. 282 (8 November 2010) in doubles play.
Miloslav Mečíř Jr. has an Australian Open record of Q1 (Eighth Qualifier; First Qualifier); a French Open junior record of achieving a number one ranking (Section 8); a Wimbledon junior record of Q3 (Eleventh Qualifier); and a US Open junior record of Q2 (Twelfth Qualifier; Tenth Qualifier).
So what is Miloslav Mečíř Jr.’s net worth in 2018? Jr. earned a total of $228,362 from competition according to Wikipedia, but that’s not all of Jr.’s earnings, which may include sponsorships, businesses, and promotions. Our estimate for Miloslav Mečíř Jr.’s net worth in 2018 is:
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