Stan Smith is a tennis player who was born on December 14, 1946, in Pasadena, California, USA. This article will take a look at Stan Smith’s net worth.
Stan Smith’s professional career began in 1969 and ended in retirement in the year 1985. Smith lives in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, USA and plays Right-handed (one-handed backhand). Smith was inducted into the Tennis Hall of Fame in 1987. You can find Smith’s information at with the link stan-smith.
Over an accomplished career, Smith won a total of 53 singles titles, won a total of 54 doubles titles and earned a total of $1,774,811 from competition. Smith has won 53 singles titles, with a record of 865-352 (71%) and reached a rank of No. 1 (1972, Lance Tingay)”Metreveli to Join Pro Net Tour”, The New York Times, December 12, 1972.. Smith has won 54 doubles titles, with a record of 558-201.
Stan Smith has an Australian Open record of achieving a number three ranking (1970 Australian Open – Men’s Singles; 1975 Australian Open – Men’s Singles; 1977 Australian Open (December) – Men’s Singles); a French Open junior record of reaching the quarter finals (1971 French Open – Men’s Singles; 1972 French Open – Men’s Singles); a Wimbledon junior record of 1 wins (1972 Wimbledon Championships – Men’s Singles); and a US Open junior record of 1 wins (1971 US Open – Men’s Singles).
Smith also played in the Masters Cup with a result of 1 wins (1970 Pepsi-Cola Masters – Singles); and WCT Finals with a result 1 wins (1973 World Championship Tennis Finals – Singles).
Stan Smith competed in doubles events with good results, including an Australian Open Doubles record of 1 wins (1970 Australian Open); a French Open Doubles record of F (1971 French Open; 1974 French Open); a Wimbledon Doubles record of F (1972 Wimbledon Championships; 1974 Wimbledon Championships; 1980 Wimbledon Championships; 1981 Wimbledon Championships); and a US Open Doubles record that includes 4 wins (1968 US Open (tennis); 1974 US Open (tennis); 1978 US Open (tennis); 1980 US Open (tennis)).
So what is Stan Smith’s net worth in 2018? Smith earned a total of $1,774,811 from competition according to Wikipedia, but that’s not all of Smith’s earnings, which may include sponsorships, businesses, and promotions. Our estimate for Stan Smith’s net worth in 2018 is:
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