Trīna Šlapeka is a tennis player who was born on May 20, 1988, in Cēsis, Latvia. This article will take a look at Trīna Šlapeka’s net worth.
Over an accomplished career, Šlapeka earned a total of $991 from competition. Šlapeka has reached a rank of 1400 (28 May 2007). Šlapeka has reached a rank of 948 (23 April 2007) in doubles play.
For junior events, Trīna Šlapeka has an Australian Open junior record of Q2 (2006); and a US Open junior record of Q1 (2005, 2006).
Šlapeka competed in these team events: the Fed Cup with a record of 4-1.
So what is Trīna Šlapeka’s net worth in 2018? Šlapeka earned a total of $991 from competition according to Wikipedia, but that’s not all of Šlapeka’s earnings, which may include sponsorships, businesses, and promotions. Our estimate for Trīna Šlapeka’s net worth in 2018 is:
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