Vlade Đurović was a professional basketball player. Đurović was born on May 16, 1948, in Belgrade, Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia. This article takes a deep dive into Vlade Đurović’s net worth.
Đurović started playing professionally in 1964. Đurović left the game of basketball in 1973.
Đurović played for the OKK Beograd during 1964-1973.
Basketball salaries range between $20,000 and tens of millions of dollars per year, depending on a number of statistics. Although on average, NBA players earn a salary of nearly $2 million, a small contingent of players with D-league crossover contracts earn as little as $50,000. The salary cap for National Basketball Association players is approximately $100 million, although currently nobody brings in anywhere near that amount. The top players in the league earn approximately $35 million. Outside of the National Basketball Association, annual payments can be as low as $20,000 annually for minor league teams.
So what is basketball player Vlade Đurović’s net worth in 2018? Our estimate for Vlade Đurović’s net worth as of 2018 is:
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